James Shares His Inspiring Fitness Journey


“Ever since joining No Limit I have had a boost in my confidence. Not just here at the gym, but my work life, my relationship life.
Today I’ve done a countless number of half marathons, I have 4 half marathons, 4 spartan races including the beast. It’s going to be absolutely brutal and I’m so excited about it because I get to prove to myself I could do that.
My, why is I want to be the best version of myself. I’m doing it because I want to live my life to the fullest. ” -James M.


If you’re looking to get started on your own journey to feel better, get stronger and healthier or if you’re frustrated doing it along and looking for a team to help you, we’d love to join you on your journey. Click here to learn more

Request a one-on-one complimentary personal training consultation so we can help you create an individualized plan to help you reach your goals.

If you have a 1st-6th grader and want to keep them active, out of trouble and off of their Ipad then we have you covered. Get 2 free workouts to our youth camp.



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